Sometimes plain steamed vegetables are uh, ‘less than exciting’. This stunning side combo may surprise but certainly delight and add pizazz to any main course!
2 cups Brussels sprouts, halved
WOD - Teams of 2
Teams of 2
Split 400m run (I go, you go)
Split 30 American Kettlebell Swings (44/25)
Split 200m Farmer Carry - 2 Kettlebells (44/25)
Split 200m Waiters Walk - 1 Kettlebell, walk together (44/25)
Teams of 2
Split 400m run (I go, you go)
Split 30 American Kettlebell Swings (44/25)
Split 200m Farmer Carry - 2 Kettlebells (44/25)
Split 200m Waiters Walk - 1 Kettlebell, walk together (44/25)
Turkish Get Up Practice - 10mins
L-sit (Rings, Dip Station or Parallettes) - 5mins
5 Rounds For Time
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch
200m Sprint
Turkish Get Up Practice - 10mins
L-sit (Rings, Dip Station or Parallettes) - 5mins
5 Rounds For Time
20 Single Arm Dumbbell Snatch
200m Sprint
3 Rounds - Not For Time
20 Calorie Row/Bike
1min Plank Hold (push up position)
20 Calorie Row/Bike
1min Side Plank - 1min right, 1min left
20 Calorie Row/Bike
1min Hollow Hold
3 Rounds - Not For Time
20 Calorie Row/Bike
1min Plank Hold (push up position)
20 Calorie Row/Bike
1min Side Plank - 1min right, 1min left
20 Calorie Row/Bike
1min Hollow Hold
On The Minute x 9 (3 rounds)
Minute 1 - 5 Chest To Bar
Minute 2 - 7 Kipping Pull Ups
Minute 3 - 5 Strict Pull Ups
Crossfit Lite
5 Supinated Ring Rows
On The Minute x 9 (3 rounds)
Minute 1 - 5 Chest To Bar
Minute 2 - 7 Kipping Pull Ups
Minute 3 - 5 Strict Pull Ups
Crossfit Lite
5 Supinated Ring Rows
Agility Drills
On The 2min x 40mins (4 rounds)
*Shuttle run/sandbag toss
*Agility ladder (on floor) foot work
*Lateral hurdle jumps
Agility Drills
On The 2min x 40mins (4 rounds)
*Shuttle run/sandbag toss
*Agility ladder (on floor) foot work
*Lateral hurdle jumps
Odd Object Conditioning
3 rounds - rest 1min between rounds
7/5 High Box Jump Overs
5 Sandbag/D-ball Cleans over the shoulder (35/30)
Box Push down & back on turf
Odd Object Conditioning
3 rounds - rest 1min between rounds
7/5 High Box Jump Overs
5 Sandbag/D-ball Cleans over the shoulder (35/30)
Box Push down & back on turf
Pushing Gymnastics/Conditioning
3 Giant Sets - Not For Time
20 situps
30 Unbroken Double Unders
25-50 Handstand Walk
4 Rounds For Time
Pushing Gymnastics/Conditioning
3 Giant Sets - Not For Time
20 situps
30 Unbroken Double Unders
25-50 Handstand Walk
4 Rounds For Time
Active Recovery WOD
4 Sets
1,000m Row
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
1min Side Plank Hold (30secs per side)
4 Sets
1,000m Row
15 Russian Kettlebell Swings
1min Side Plank Hold (30secs per side)