Skill: 3 deadlifts E2MOM 10 min (percentages off of your 3RM)
Set 1: 60-65%
Set 2: 70-75%
Set 3: 80-85%
Set 4: 90-95%
Set 5: 100-100+%
8 min AMRAP
Set 1: 60-65%
Set 2: 70-75%
Set 3: 80-85%
Set 4: 90-95%
Set 5: 100-100+%
8 min AMRAP
B) CF Metcon
C) 6min clock; 90sec plank hold, rest 30sec, then alternating tabata hollow hold/ superman hold, for remaining time.
B) CF Metcon
C) 6min clock; 90sec plank hold, rest 30sec, then alternating tabata hollow hold/ superman hold, for remaining time.
Warm Up: Run 200m then 3 rounds of Cindy
Skill: Hang Power Clean
5 Rounds for time of
7 Hang Power Clean
7 Toes to Bar
7 Burpees
Buy Out: Max Height Box Jump
Skill: Front Squat 12 min E2MOM- 3 reps @ 75-82.5% of 1 RM
OHS 95/65
Score: FS weight and score
OHS 95/65
Score: FS weight and score
WOD: Teams of 3 (split up reps however they want)
Complete 2 rounds for time
9 Rope Climbs (sub out 10 ring rows per rope climb)
24 Toes to Ring (like T2B but on rings) Sub out toes to RIG
36 MB get ups 20/14
Complete 2 rounds for time
9 Rope Climbs (sub out 10 ring rows per rope climb)
24 Toes to Ring (like T2B but on rings) Sub out toes to RIG
36 MB get ups 20/14
A) In 7 minutes, build to a 1 rm front squat, then drop to 80% and do 3 sets of 3.
B) CF Metcon
C) 7 min amrap; 250m row, 10 pull ups
B) CF Metcon
C) 7 min amrap; 250m row, 10 pull ups
A) Complex: (Clean, FS, Jerk) In 15minutes find your heaviest of the day
B) CF Metcon
C) 2k partner row for time (use 1 rower per team, 2 x 500m for time if going solo)
B) CF Metcon
C) 2k partner row for time (use 1 rower per team, 2 x 500m for time if going solo)
Skill: Partner Relay Row** 2000 m for time (switch out every 200 m)
**Option multiple heats or use Airdyne or Versa
Snatch 95/65
Supine ring rows
Score: Partner time and time
**Option multiple heats or use Airdyne or Versa
Snatch 95/65
Supine ring rows
Score: Partner time and time