Skill: Press 3 X 5 AT 50% of 1 rm
WOD: 8 min cap
400 m run
50 mountain climbers
25 BB Press
Remaining time max wall balls
Score: Press weight/wall ball #
WOD: 8 min cap
400 m run
50 mountain climbers
25 BB Press
Remaining time max wall balls
Score: Press weight/wall ball #
Skill: E90 sec 100 m run for 8 rounds
Renegade Rows
Russian Twists
Burpee Box Step Overs
Renegade Rows
Russian Twists
Burpee Box Step Overs
A) Complex; Power Clean, Hang Power Clean, Push Press @ 75 - 80%
E2MOM for 10 min (5 rds)
B) CF Metcon
E2MOM for 10 min (5 rds)
B) CF Metcon
E2MOM 16 minutes
5 Weighted Ring Dips
-5 Weighted Ring Dips/5 Ring Dips/5 Dip Station Dips/5 Box Dips
10 minute AMRAP
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Bar-Over Burpees
E2MOM 16 minutes
5 Weighted Ring Dips
-5 Weighted Ring Dips/5 Ring Dips/5 Dip Station Dips/5 Box Dips
10 minute AMRAP
2 Ring Muscle Ups
4 Bar-Over Burpees
A) Snatch; 16min e2mom (8rds) (4rds at 75%, 3rds @ 80%, 1rd at 85%)
B) CF Metcon
C) Tabata: alternating for 6min: hollow rocks, push ups for max total reps
B) CF Metcon
C) Tabata: alternating for 6min: hollow rocks, push ups for max total reps
Death by Pull-Up
Workout begins with Strict Pull-Ups
EMOM increase workload by 1 rep until failure
Rest 1 minute
Continue using kipping Pull-Ups until failure
Death by Pull-Up
Workout begins with Strict Pull-Ups
EMOM increase workload by 1 rep until failure
Rest 1 minute
Continue using kipping Pull-Ups until failure
Skill: Squat technique (air squat, mobility, weighted...)
15 Min AMRAP
200 m run
30 air squats
10 DB Snatch (5 each side) moderate wgt
30 sec plank
Score: rounds and reps
15 Min AMRAP
200 m run
30 air squats
10 DB Snatch (5 each side) moderate wgt
30 sec plank
Score: rounds and reps
Skill: Complex: Power Clean, Hang Power Clean, Front Squat
WOD: Don't Get Any Ideas
150 ft AHAP Farmer's Carry
15 KB Swings
10 Goblet Squats
10 min AMRAP
WOD: Don't Get Any Ideas
150 ft AHAP Farmer's Carry
15 KB Swings
10 Goblet Squats
10 min AMRAP
A) Strict pull up ladder x 4 sets for max reps (1 drop, 2 drop 3 drop etc, stop when you cant complete the required amount of work unbroken)
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rds for time, 250m row, 12 rkbs (70/53)
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rds for time, 250m row, 12 rkbs (70/53)
With a partner, for time:
400m Run (together)
Box Jumps 24/20