S: Pendlay Row
E2MOM x 10 min
6 Pendlay Row increasing weight
WOD: For Time
40 AKB swing 53/35
30 KTE
20 Goblet Squat
10 KB russian twist
E2MOM x 10 min
6 Pendlay Row increasing weight
WOD: For Time
40 AKB swing 53/35
30 KTE
20 Goblet Squat
10 KB russian twist
A) Strength: E2MOM x 16min (8rds) 200m Sprint
*Alternate in case of rain* divide class as evenly as possible max team row meters in 16min: rotate out rowers every 100m.
B) Metcon: 15min EMOM
Min 1 – 30 double unders
*Alternate in case of rain* divide class as evenly as possible max team row meters in 16min: rotate out rowers every 100m.
B) Metcon: 15min EMOM
Min 1 – 30 double unders
A) CF S-WOD (hit these at 90% intensity)
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rnft; 15 ghd situps, 10 reps Romanian Deadlift with dumbbells (you choose the weight, heavy as possible for 10 reps with impeccable form)
B) CF Metcon
C) 4rnft; 15 ghd situps, 10 reps Romanian Deadlift with dumbbells (you choose the weight, heavy as possible for 10 reps with impeccable form)
S: Pullup
E90 sec 2 strict/ 3 banded/6 rogue
14 min EMOM
Odd: 7 Ring dip
Even: 14 Air squat
E90 sec 2 strict/ 3 banded/6 rogue
14 min EMOM
Odd: 7 Ring dip
Even: 14 Air squat
A) Strength: Back Squat; E2MOM 10min, first 2 rds x 5 reps @ 75-80%, next 3 rds x 4 reps @ same weight (should use same weight as last week)
B) Metcon: Partner 1:1 (A) does lunges, the (B) does lunges, (A) does pull ups (B) does pull ups.
B) Metcon: Partner 1:1 (A) does lunges, the (B) does lunges, (A) does pull ups (B) does pull ups.
B) CF Metcon
C) For time: 20 muscle ups, 8 alternating pistols every time you come off the rings.
B) CF Metcon
C) For time: 20 muscle ups, 8 alternating pistols every time you come off the rings.
8 min AMRAP
2 wall walks
Down and back turf overhead walk 45/25
30 sec plank hold
8 min AMRAP
2 wall walks
Down and back turf overhead walk 45/25
30 sec plank hold
Happy Birthday Damaris!!!