SKILL :10 Plank Hold, :20 rest, :20 sec max Russian Twist (45/25), :10 sec rest (1 min total) x 8 rounds
21 Situps
14 DB Row from Plank (alternate arms) (35/25)
7 Knees to Elbows
21 Situps
14 DB Row from Plank (alternate arms) (35/25)
7 Knees to Elbows
A) Front Squat; (tempo) 32x1 + 1 FS (3 sec decent, 2 sec pause at bottom,
then one front squat with no tempo). Find heaviest of the day.
B) CF Metcon
C) 4RNFT; 2x Max hold Dragon flag, 1x max reps push ups
then one front squat with no tempo). Find heaviest of the day.
B) CF Metcon
C) 4RNFT; 2x Max hold Dragon flag, 1x max reps push ups
Every 90 Seconds for 10 Rounds (15 minutes, but just use interval timer)
2 Power Cleans + 15 Double Unders sub Singles
Every other round, increase weight
Every 90 Seconds for 10 Rounds (15 minutes, but just use interval timer)
2 Power Cleans + 15 Double Unders sub Singles
Every other round, increase weight
SKILL: Back Squat
5-5- 3-3- 3-1- 1-1
Work up to “HEAVY” single. Treat the sets of 5 as warm ups
50 Jump Ropes
200m run
Score is heaviest Back Squat + Rounds and Reps
5-5- 3-3- 3-1- 1-1
Work up to “HEAVY” single. Treat the sets of 5 as warm ups
50 Jump Ropes
200m run
Score is heaviest Back Squat + Rounds and Reps
A) Power Clean; E90sec x 7 rds, 2 @ 85-90%
B) CF Metcon
C) 10min EMOM; min 1: 5 muscle ups, min 2: 35 double unders
(sub: alternate rounds of max chest to ring pull ups / max dips)
B) CF Metcon
C) 10min EMOM; min 1: 5 muscle ups, min 2: 35 double unders
(sub: alternate rounds of max chest to ring pull ups / max dips)
Skill: Bench Press – 2,2,2,2,2, Increase weight each set.
WOD: For Time
1000m row
45 Burpees
75m Bear Crawl
75m Crab Walk
45 tire flips
1000m row
WOD: For Time
1000m row
45 Burpees
75m Bear Crawl
75m Crab Walk
45 tire flips
1000m row
Skill: 8 min EMOM
10 Heavy Wall Balls 35-50#/25- 35# (black balls for RX) Catch the ball – it is mandatory
Everyone should use a heavier ball than normal, even if they’re not performing RX
10 Heavy Wall Balls 35-50#/25- 35# (black balls for RX) Catch the ball – it is mandatory
Everyone should use a heavier ball than normal, even if they’re not performing RX