Wade DeBruin is the inspiration for the workout. He was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 18 months, an aggressive form of cancer attacking the nerve tissues in the body. He lost his fight on November 12, 2011; he was two just years old. To remember Wade’s battle, Power Athlete HQ created the Wade’s Army charity effort to raise money for the fight against pediatric cancer. Wade is survived by his parents, Heather & Scott, his older sister and twin sister.
WOD: Wade
11 One Arm DB Power Snatch* 50/35
12 One Arm DB Thrusters*
11 Pull Ups w/ DB (scale No weight Banded Pullups Rogue bar pullups Difficult ring rows)
*You can alternate hands as needed during the workout to complete total reps.
Score: Time
WOD: Wade
11 One Arm DB Power Snatch* 50/35
12 One Arm DB Thrusters*
11 Pull Ups w/ DB (scale No weight Banded Pullups Rogue bar pullups Difficult ring rows)
*You can alternate hands as needed during the workout to complete total reps.
Score: Time