Skill: Partner 2k Row
Teams of 2
Partner A rows while partner B holds weighted plank 25/15
WOD: For time
18-15- 12-9- 6
SDHP 75/55
Back Rack Lunges
Score: 2k time/ time
Teams of 2
Partner A rows while partner B holds weighted plank 25/15
WOD: For time
18-15- 12-9- 6
SDHP 75/55
Back Rack Lunges
Score: 2k time/ time
Push press
5 x 5 at 75%
30 Box jumps 24/20
30 jumping pullups
30 AKBS 35/24
30 walking lunges
30 Knee to elbow
30 Push press 45/33
30 back extensions
30 wall balls
30 burpees
30 JR"
5 x 5 at 75%
30 Box jumps 24/20
30 jumping pullups
30 AKBS 35/24
30 walking lunges
30 Knee to elbow
30 Push press 45/33
30 back extensions
30 wall balls
30 burpees
30 JR"
Front squat
60% x8
65% x6
70% x 4
75% x2
or build to heavy 3 if no 1 RM.
Deadlift 225/155
Toes to bar (Sub KTE/ AbMat sit up)
Front squat
60% x8
65% x6
70% x 4
75% x2
or build to heavy 3 if no 1 RM.
Deadlift 225/155
Toes to bar (Sub KTE/ AbMat sit up)
A) Power Clean; find a 2RM
B) CF Metcon
C) HSPU; pick a level, 4 sets of 5 strict, 3 sets of 10 kipping, 4 sets of 5 kipping from 4” deficit.
B) CF Metcon
C) HSPU; pick a level, 4 sets of 5 strict, 3 sets of 10 kipping, 4 sets of 5 kipping from 4” deficit.
EMOM for 10 min
3 Strict Deficit HSPU 45/25
(scale -> 3 Strict HSPU (no abmat) -> 5 Strict HSPU (w/1-2 abmats) -> 5 Seated DB Strict Press)
12 min AMRAP
100 m run
EMOM for 10 min
3 Strict Deficit HSPU 45/25
(scale -> 3 Strict HSPU (no abmat) -> 5 Strict HSPU (w/1-2 abmats) -> 5 Seated DB Strict Press)
12 min AMRAP
100 m run
E2 x5 Rounds (10 min)
5 floor press (135/95)
5 pendlay row
4 rounds
Run 200m
30 sec Hollow hold
Row 250m
30 sec hollow hold
Run 200 m
E2 x5 Rounds (10 min)
5 floor press (135/95)
5 pendlay row
4 rounds
Run 200m
30 sec Hollow hold
Row 250m
30 sec hollow hold
Run 200 m
Skill: 4 x 400 m run – Slowest run
Team up and give each partner a stopwatch. 2 -3 min rest between runs
3 Front Squats 135/95 RX+ 155/105
6 Push Jerks
Team up and give each partner a stopwatch. 2 -3 min rest between runs
3 Front Squats 135/95 RX+ 155/105
6 Push Jerks
Skill: Deadlift 2 rm
WOD: For time*
Option A:
21-15- 9
Power Snatch 95/65
30-20- 10
Double Unders (3x single unders)
Option B:
15-12- 9
WOD: For time*
Option A:
21-15- 9
Power Snatch 95/65
30-20- 10
Double Unders (3x single unders)
Option B:
15-12- 9