Metcon: 20:16 minute AMRAP with a partner (because no one should have to go through 2016 alone) Broken up however you want, just like your life.
20 Bar facing burpees
16 Thrusters (95/65)
20 Bar facing burpees
16 Thrusters (95/65)
A) CF Metcon
B) 750m recover row @ 75% effort (take about as long as your best 1k time would take you)
B) 750m recover row @ 75% effort (take about as long as your best 1k time would take you)
A) Oly: Power Snatch Heavy Single
B) Metcon: 12min EMOM
Min 1 – 5 Power Snatch @ (155/100) or 75% of 1rm ps
Min 2 – 14/11 cal Row
Min 3 – 15 Sit ups
Score: PS weight, metcon rds completed, weight used in notes.
B) Metcon: 12min EMOM
Min 1 – 5 Power Snatch @ (155/100) or 75% of 1rm ps
Min 2 – 14/11 cal Row
Min 3 – 15 Sit ups
Score: PS weight, metcon rds completed, weight used in notes.
Skill: Take 20 min to find
Back Squat 5 rm
WOD: Baseline Retest (for time)
Buy in: Row 250m
Then 2 rounds
10 pushups
10 box jumps 20/16
10 ball slams 20/14
10 wall balls
Back Squat 5 rm
WOD: Baseline Retest (for time)
Buy in: Row 250m
Then 2 rounds
10 pushups
10 box jumps 20/16
10 ball slams 20/14
10 wall balls
A) CF S-WOD – find a heavy single power snatch
B) CF Metcon
C) 4 sets max strict pull ups
D) 4 sets max strict toes to bar
B) CF Metcon
C) 4 sets max strict pull ups
D) 4 sets max strict toes to bar
A) Strength: Strict Press; Find a 3rm
B) Metcon: 10min AMRAP
40 double unders (80 singles)
10 medball slams AHAP
7 ring dips (stationary dips / dips on boxes / band assisted dips)
B) Metcon: 10min AMRAP
40 double unders (80 singles)
10 medball slams AHAP
7 ring dips (stationary dips / dips on boxes / band assisted dips)
Skill: Push Press
4-4- 4-4 (increasing in weight) Start at around 60% and build across the sets
50 Single Unders
25 Sit Ups
50 Single Unders
25 DB S20
Score: PP wgt/time
4-4- 4-4 (increasing in weight) Start at around 60% and build across the sets
50 Single Unders
25 Sit Ups
50 Single Unders
25 DB S20
Score: PP wgt/time