
Paula Jager
Thursday, February 27, 2025 - 21:00

Banded 7s + Hip Halo

8:00 AMRAP

5 Kip Swings
5 Ring Rows
5 Front Squats (empty bar)
5 Shoulder Press (empty bar)
10 Single Arm Dumbbell
Bench (each)
Build up to a Heavy Single
Pause Bench Press (2-3
second pause at bottom)
in 15:00

3 sets:

1 Front Squat + 2 Thruster
(build in weight)
Set 1: 3 Toes to Bar
Set 2: 3 Chest to Bar
Set 3: 1 Bar Muscle Up
WORKOUT - Open 21.3
Freedom (RX’d)
15 Front Squats (95/65)
30 Toes to Bar
15 Thrusters (95/65)
-rest 1:00-
15 Front Squats (95/65)
30 Chest to Bar
15 Thrusters (95/65)
-rest 1:00-
15 Front Squats (95/65)
30 Bar Muscle Ups
15 Thrusters (95/65)
(KG conv: 42.5/30)
- Score is reps completed at
the 15-minute time cap (note
time if you complete the
workout) -
3-5 minutes of easy cardio
(this can be walk, a slow row,
machine ride, etc.)
1 Minute Couch Stretch
2x 10 Foam Roll Up Wall
1 Minute Forearm