Monday - Half Murph

Paula Jager
Sunday, April 16, 2023 - 21:00

Warm Up 

Crossover Symmetry Warm-up or Banded 7's
1 Round Through
10 yd walk on toes
10 yd walk to toes backward
10 yd walk on heels
10 yd walk feet turned out
10 yd walk feet turned in
10 yd lunge walk-arms locked out overhead
10 yd lunge walk - torso twist towards forwarding leg
10 yd butt kickers
10 yd high knees
* If you have time go through more of the Hinshaw Warm Up *


800m Run
50 Pull-Ups
100 Push-Ups
150 Air Squats
800m Run


1 min Seal Pose
1 min Bicep stretch on wall
1 min Tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)