Friday - Mean Green Rage Machine

Paula Jager
Friday, April 14, 2023 - 12:47

Warm up

10 min AMRAP
1 min row (easy pace)
10 Plate Floor Press
5 Lying Iron Cross (each side)
5 Lying Scorpions (each side)
5 Shoulder to Overhead (empty bar - build across)


Freedom (RX'd)

Partner Workout:
50/40 Calorie Row
50 Push ups
50/40 Calorie Row
100 Shoulder to Overhead (115/80)
50/40 Calorie Row
50 Push ups
50/40 Calorie Row
*Split reps/calories as needed*
(KG conv: 52/36)

Skills & Drills

Week 5:  Ring muscle up progressions


1 min lacrosse ball pec smash (each side)
1 min overhead elbow grab tricep stretch (each side)
1 min tricep lacrosse ball smash (each side)