Tuesday – Swing To Run

Paula Jager
Tuesday, May 31, 2022 - 21:00

Landmine is Prime 
2 Sets
10/10 Staggered LM RDL
10/10 OH Reverse Lunge to High Knee Step Up
10/10 Tall Kneeling or 1/2 Kneeling Press
*Add weight each round
Tempo Deadlift
4 Sets run emom style
6-8 Tempo Deadlift @2121
8-10 GHD Back Extensions

*Deadlift- Not a PR Focus on maintaining tension throughout the lift and feeling your feet press
through the ground
3 Sets
6-8 BB Hip Bridge
15 Banded Hamstring Curl
*Similar to today's deadlift, focus on feeling the movement of the BB Hip Bridge
Feet Press Down and drive the knees out, flex your glute and hamstrings at the top of each rep.
WOD Swing to Run
Kettlebell Swing
*Run 25m out and back
For time