Wednesday – J.C. Leg Crank

Paula Jager
Tuesday, July 13, 2021 - 17:00
3x5 @40/50/60
Based on 90% of your 1RM  

3x15 BB hip thrusts


J.C. Leg Crank*
24 bw squats
24 alt bw lunges
24 alt split jumps
12 jump squats
2 rounds RX, 3 rds RX+
Rest 2 minutes between


3 Versions:

RX:  as written and no rest between exercises other than between the 2 circuits
RX+ as above but 3 rds
Scaled:  take 30s – 1 min between exercises if needed to perform with proper form/depth/technique along with the 2 min between circuits, 2 rds