Row It Home 3/27

Paula Jager
Thursday, March 26, 2020 - 16:00

For those w/ equipment at home. . .

Every :90 x 4 sets

Supinated Grip Barbell Row x 8-10 reps

For those without. . .

Odd object BO row x 8-10 reps


For those w/ equipment at home. . .

4min AMRAP
10 Toes To Bar
10 Alternating Dumbbell Snatches (50/35)
10 Wall Balls
45 Double Unders
-rest 2:00

4min AMRAP
8 Toes To Bar
8 Alternating Dumbell Snatches (50/35)
8 wall balls
30 Double Unders
-rest 2:00

4min AMRAP
6 Toes To Bar
6 Alternating Dumbell Snatch (50/35)
6 wall balls
15 Double Unders

For those without. . .

4 min AMRAP
10 leg raises
10 alt snatches w/ water bottle or odd object
10 wall balls (use any type of ball that will bounce off an outside wall safely or use just the momentum of your arms/hands)
45 DU's
-rest 2:00

4 min AMRAP
8 leg raises
8 alternating snatches
30 du's
-rest 2:00

4 min AMRAP
6 leg raises
6 alternating snatches
15 DU's