Sweat It Out!
Row 500m
15 KB box step ups 35/25
15 sit ups (ab mat or ghd)
45’ bear crawl or hs walk
Bike 500m
45' Bear Crawl or Handstand Walk
VC 200 FT
Today is not scored, just come in and sweat, get some cardio and mix in a little accessory movement
Cooldown: Couch Stretch x 2:00 min/side
Sweat It Out!
Row 500m
15 KB box step ups 35/25
15 sit ups (ab mat or ghd)
45’ bear crawl or hs walk
Bike 500m
45' Bear Crawl or Handstand Walk
VC 200 FT
Today is not scored, just come in and sweat, get some cardio and mix in a little accessory movement
Cooldown: Couch Stretch x 2:00 min/side