CFL 3/26

Paula Jager
Monday, March 26, 2018 - 05:29
Skill: Every 2 minutes for 7 rounds
2 Power Cleans (Deadlifts for CFL) + 3 Box Jumps
*Both movements done in the same 2-minute round
WOD: Teams of 2
15 min AMRAP
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 etc
Air Squat
Dbl DB Power Clean 40-50/25- 35
Double Under x 4 reps (Scale is Single Under – same amount of reps as double unders)
Partners will alternate movements. P1 will do 2 Air Squats, P2 will do 2 Dbl DB PCs, P1 will do 8
DUs, P2 will do 4 Air Squats, P1 will do 4 Dbl DB PCs, P2 will do 16 DUs, P1 will do 6 Air Squats,
P2 will do 6 Dbl DB PCs, P1 will do 24 DUs, etc etc etc for 15 min
Score is rounds completed/rounds + reps
