CFL 3/1

Paula Jager
Thursday, March 1, 2018 - 07:19
Skill: 16 min EMOM, alternating movements
Min 1) 8 (Right) Single Arm DB Bench
Min 2) :20 Right side Pillar Hold
Min 3) 8 (Left) Single Arm DB Bench
Min 4) :20 Left Side Pillar Hold

WOD: 12 min AMRAP
15 Sit ups
10 Alternating DB Press 30-35/20- 25
30ft Single Arm DB OH Carry
*Alternating DB Press – will use 2 DBs that will stay in the front rack position, alternate which arm presses up overhead.
**May be strict press or push press

Score is weight/rounds + reps
