A) Open Wod 12.4;
12min AMRAP
150 wallballs (20/14)
90 double unders
30 ring muscle ups
(the way I want you to approach this is as 2 separate workouts without a break. You should attack Karen with the goal of hitting a PR and log a separate score for Karen. Then in any remaining time, hang on for the rest work)
B) Tabata L-sit hold (4min, 15sec work, 15sec rest) do these anyway you like, pull up bars, dip bars, paralletes etc.
12min AMRAP
150 wallballs (20/14)
90 double unders
30 ring muscle ups
(the way I want you to approach this is as 2 separate workouts without a break. You should attack Karen with the goal of hitting a PR and log a separate score for Karen. Then in any remaining time, hang on for the rest work)
B) Tabata L-sit hold (4min, 15sec work, 15sec rest) do these anyway you like, pull up bars, dip bars, paralletes etc.