Skill: Pull up negatives
5 x 3 with 3 Sec descent
*May use bands or partner assistance
Teams of 2
3-6- 9-12- 15-18- etc
Cals AAB (Row if large class)
Double KB Russian Swings 30-35/15- 25 (per hand)
Double KB Box Step Ups 20/16inch (KBs held at side)
*Teammates will switch every movement
*Increase reps by 3 after each round
Score is pass/no pass and rounds + reps
5 x 3 with 3 Sec descent
*May use bands or partner assistance
Teams of 2
3-6- 9-12- 15-18- etc
Cals AAB (Row if large class)
Double KB Russian Swings 30-35/15- 25 (per hand)
Double KB Box Step Ups 20/16inch (KBs held at side)
*Teammates will switch every movement
*Increase reps by 3 after each round
Score is pass/no pass and rounds + reps