Robert V.

Paula Jager
Tuesday, May 23, 2017 - 10:32

I had started CrossFit while in the Marines. A few of us would just get together and do whatever WOD was posted on the CrossFit website that day. I really enjoyed it, but after my EAS and coming back to Tampa, I wasn't sure how to keep it up. Luckily, my friend, Alyssa, started at Jaguar, and convinced me to come in for an intro class. Thanks, Alyssa!

My first impression was "Woah! This place is intense." That was my initial thought. I was probably a bit overwhelmed for those first few minutes. It can still be intense at times; however, you learn to swim pretty quickly, and that "overwhelmed" feeling goes away in the middle of that first AMRAP.

My first achievement? Can I say, "Walking in the door that first day?" If not, it was definitely getting my first Muscle Up a few weeks back. It was a movement that Carl and I had been working on since the Open. That felt like my first real achievement.

I am currently working on handstand walks, ring muscle ups, cardio, flexibility and mobility...the list is long. I'm just trying to get a little better than I was the day before, at everything.

My favorite Jaguar memory is getting through 17.5, RX. I think it was this one, at least. At this point, I couldn't string together more than 3 or 4 double unders at a time to save my life. So, 10 rounds of 35, was going to be a pretty interesting adventure. I warned Paula beforehand that she should grab a chair. She was my judge, and I knew we were going to be there awhile. It took me 40 minutes, I hit the time cap at 9 rounds and some change, I struggled for each and every rep. I wanted to quit, I sat down for a second and thought, "That's it, that's all I've got." I got up though.  I'm really happy I finished it, even though I felt bad for Paula, who had to stand there for the whole 40 minutes.

I would also just like to say thanks to everyone that has been so helpful and friendly, each and everyday. My life is better for this place, and that's because of all of you. Kim and John, I want to call you out in particular for taking the time to work with me on all of my back issues. Giving me tips and advice, most times when you aren't even coaching, just to help me be better. You both have helped me a lot and I really appreciate it :)