A) Oly: 2 Power cleans + 1 Jerk 10min EMOM, add weight after 2 successful rounds (power clean, drop, power clean and jerk) Start around 65% of 1rm power clean
B) Metcon: The Chief - 5 x 3min amrap, 1min rest between
Each round starts over, and is scored separately
3 Power Clean (135/95)
6 Push ups
9 Air Squats
Score: Power clean and jerk weight, lowest round of the Chief
B) Metcon: The Chief - 5 x 3min amrap, 1min rest between
Each round starts over, and is scored separately
3 Power Clean (135/95)
6 Push ups
9 Air Squats
Score: Power clean and jerk weight, lowest round of the Chief