Amanda G.

Paula Jager
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 - 12:07
My father introduced me to CrossFit when he first joined Jaguar a couple years ago.  I was always an active person, but I had never lifted weights before coming to the box.  My dad had wanted either my mom or I to join him at the box, so I decided to try it and I loved it.

My initial impression of CrossFit was that it was excessive.  I played tennis and did acrobatics when I was younger through high school and didn’t really understand what all the hype was about this Olympic lifting stuff.  After giving it a shot, I realize that CrossFit is what you make it for yourself.  Weights are also no longer intimidating to me, but a fun way to get stronger. The best part of CrossFit is how supportive everyone is of each other.

My first achievements were hitting a 200# deadlift and doing a WOD RX for the first time earlier this year. I'm working on pull-ups!  I will eventually figure out this kipping thing…

My favorite Jaguar memory has to be joining my dad for the Jaguar Games.  I was hesitant to sign up at first, but I am glad we did.  We had a wonderful time competing together in such a great environment against such awesome people.