Skill: Max meters on the Row in 3 minutes
WOD: For time in teams of 2 – split however you like6 Rope Climbs (scale 6 UP/DOWNS with knee raise
6 UP/DOWNS w/ no knee raise 6 seated U/D off box)
160 Double Unders (scale attempts count 160 single unders)
40 Walking Lunges
4 Rope Climbs
120 Double Unders
30 Walking Lunges
2 Rope Climb
80 Double Unders
20 Walking Lunges
Score: Total meters and team time
WOD: For time in teams of 2 – split however you like6 Rope Climbs (scale 6 UP/DOWNS with knee raise
6 UP/DOWNS w/ no knee raise 6 seated U/D off box)
160 Double Unders (scale attempts count 160 single unders)
40 Walking Lunges
4 Rope Climbs
120 Double Unders
30 Walking Lunges
2 Rope Climb
80 Double Unders
20 Walking Lunges
Score: Total meters and team time