Skill: E90seconds for 5 rounds
Ring Muscle Up + 3 dips
5 Weighted dips
5 Strict dips on rings or dip station
(Other scales 6-8 banded dips on dip station 8-10 box dips)
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
12 Russian KB Swings 53/35
16 Russian Twists
200 M Run w/ KB (counts as two reps)
Score: Completed rounds and rounds and reps
Ring Muscle Up + 3 dips
5 Weighted dips
5 Strict dips on rings or dip station
(Other scales 6-8 banded dips on dip station 8-10 box dips)
WOD: 12 min AMRAP
12 Russian KB Swings 53/35
16 Russian Twists
200 M Run w/ KB (counts as two reps)
Score: Completed rounds and rounds and reps