CFL 10/31

Paula Jager
Monday, October 31, 2016 - 08:19
Skill – Bench Press 4, 4, 4, 4


Partner 1:

1 Round of Cindy

5 pullups or ring rows

10 pushups

15 air squats

Partner 2:

10m pumpkin run (med ball 20/14), 10m pumpkin walk

***Have two cones set up 10 meters apart. While Partner 1 is performing the one round of Cindy, Partner 2 will run to the first cone and the walk back and keep repeating until Partner 1 has completed one round. Then they will switch so Partner 2 will perform one round of Cindy, while Partner 1 runs/walks

Score is highest Bench Press weight/rounds of Cindy completed
