SKILL: Kip Clinic, spend around 15 minutes going over the gymnastic kip and applying it to Knees to Elbows, Toes to Bar, and Pullups. Let people play around with each movement
WOD: 20/15 Cal Row
15 Jumping Pullups
10 Ring Dips (Banded Ring Dips – Bar Dips – Banded Bar Dips – Box Dips)
5 Rounds
Score is time
Teams of 3, conga line style. Person 1 starts on the row. Once finished they move on to Jumping Pullups and Person 2 can start the row. Person 1 finished the Jumping pullups and moves to Ring dips. Person 2 moves on to Jumping pullups and then Person 3 can start on the row. AT NO POINT CAN A PERSON PASS A TEAMMATE. They must wait until the teammate finishes the exercise in front of them. For example, Person 3 finishes the row, while person 2 is only on 10 jumping pullups. Person 3 must wait until Person 2 finishes the remaining 5 jumping pullups to start their set.
Each person will complete 5 rounds themselves, not 5 rounds combined amongst the team.
WOD: 20/15 Cal Row
15 Jumping Pullups
10 Ring Dips (Banded Ring Dips – Bar Dips – Banded Bar Dips – Box Dips)
5 Rounds
Score is time
Teams of 3, conga line style. Person 1 starts on the row. Once finished they move on to Jumping Pullups and Person 2 can start the row. Person 1 finished the Jumping pullups and moves to Ring dips. Person 2 moves on to Jumping pullups and then Person 3 can start on the row. AT NO POINT CAN A PERSON PASS A TEAMMATE. They must wait until the teammate finishes the exercise in front of them. For example, Person 3 finishes the row, while person 2 is only on 10 jumping pullups. Person 3 must wait until Person 2 finishes the remaining 5 jumping pullups to start their set.
Each person will complete 5 rounds themselves, not 5 rounds combined amongst the team.