Strength: Deadlift
5 x 3 @80% of your 1RM and then. . .
3 x max strict pull ups
If you have 10+ strict add weight 25#/15#
If you have >5 but <10 use bodyweight
If you have <5 use bands
E2MOM for 6 minutes (compare to 9/13/16)
w/ partner @1:1*
1 power snatch 165#/115#
1 rev ball toss 35-50/20- 30
20 rounds each
*Partner 1 snatches, partner 2 snatches, P1 ball toss, P2 ball toss
Time cap: 10 mins
Score: #pull ups/partner time or time + reps
5 x 3 @80% of your 1RM and then. . .
3 x max strict pull ups
If you have 10+ strict add weight 25#/15#
If you have >5 but <10 use bodyweight
If you have <5 use bands
E2MOM for 6 minutes (compare to 9/13/16)
w/ partner @1:1*
1 power snatch 165#/115#
1 rev ball toss 35-50/20- 30
20 rounds each
*Partner 1 snatches, partner 2 snatches, P1 ball toss, P2 ball toss
Time cap: 10 mins
Score: #pull ups/partner time or time + reps