A) Hero WOD:
6 Deadlift (225/155)
7 Burpee Pull up
10 AKBS 70/53)
200m run
20min AMRAP
w/ a Partner 1:1 Each partner does all the movements
ex: partner A) 6 deadlifts, Partner B) 6 deadlifts, Partner A) 7 burpulls, Partner B) 7 burpulls etc.. Partner A cannot advance until Partner B has completed the movement as well.
Score: Total rounds plus reps.
6 Deadlift (225/155)
7 Burpee Pull up
10 AKBS 70/53)
200m run
20min AMRAP
w/ a Partner 1:1 Each partner does all the movements
ex: partner A) 6 deadlifts, Partner B) 6 deadlifts, Partner A) 7 burpulls, Partner B) 7 burpulls etc.. Partner A cannot advance until Partner B has completed the movement as well.
Score: Total rounds plus reps.