Skill: Rope Climb: Accumulate 8-10 ascents in 15 min
Rx+ options: Seated/ L-sit/ Legless/Weighted vest
New or learning to climb: Focus on different foot wraps, pulls, up/downs and working off
a box
WOD: For time
50 Air Squats
40 Burpees
30 V-Ups
20 C2B
5 Ring Muscle Up + 2 Dips
15 min time cap
Vups Jack Knife Sit Ups
C2B 20 Pull Ups 25 Difficult Ring Rows
HSPU 1 abmat DB Push Press
MU 10 ring dips 10 dip station dips 15 box dips
Score: # of ascents and time
Rx+ options: Seated/ L-sit/ Legless/Weighted vest
New or learning to climb: Focus on different foot wraps, pulls, up/downs and working off
a box
WOD: For time
50 Air Squats
40 Burpees
30 V-Ups
20 C2B
5 Ring Muscle Up + 2 Dips
15 min time cap
Vups Jack Knife Sit Ups
C2B 20 Pull Ups 25 Difficult Ring Rows
HSPU 1 abmat DB Push Press
MU 10 ring dips 10 dip station dips 15 box dips
Score: # of ascents and time