Oly/Strength: Power Snatch 6 x 2 @85% of 1RM
Strict pull up 3 x max reps (partials > assisted > bands) E2MOM (3 sets in 6 minutes), compare
to 4/29
3 power snatch 165/115#
6 supine ring pull ups
9 ball slams 35-50/25- 30 MUST be caught on the bounce
AMRAP in 9 minutes
Score: PS weight used and rds + reps
Strict pull up 3 x max reps (partials > assisted > bands) E2MOM (3 sets in 6 minutes), compare
to 4/29
3 power snatch 165/115#
6 supine ring pull ups
9 ball slams 35-50/25- 30 MUST be caught on the bounce
AMRAP in 9 minutes
Score: PS weight used and rds + reps