Workout of the day - Monday, April 25, 2016
Warm Up:
100 M Jog
3 x through of:
10 Squats --> Broad Jumps
10 Plank Up Downs --> Spiderman Stretch
Skill: Kettlebell Swing & Wall Ball Review
8 minute AMRAP
75 Wall Balls
100 Kettlebell Swings
**Every time you stop you must do 5 push ups!**
Warm Up:
100 M Jog
3 x through of:
10 Squats --> Broad Jumps
10 Plank Up Downs --> Spiderman Stretch
Skill: Kettlebell Swing & Wall Ball Review
8 minute AMRAP
75 Wall Balls
100 Kettlebell Swings
**Every time you stop you must do 5 push ups!**