Strength: Back Squat 5 x 3 @90% of 3RM
3 Push jerks 165#/115# RX+ 185/135 (no racks)
6 strict pull ups (scale is partials, banded, rogue bar or ring rows– no kipping)
3 broad jumps 6’m/5f’ min (fyi mat is 4’ x 6’)
partner wod @1:1
6 rds ea for time
Score: BS weight used and partner time for score
3 Push jerks 165#/115# RX+ 185/135 (no racks)
6 strict pull ups (scale is partials, banded, rogue bar or ring rows– no kipping)
3 broad jumps 6’m/5f’ min (fyi mat is 4’ x 6’)
partner wod @1:1
6 rds ea for time
Score: BS weight used and partner time for score