My first impression was just “Wow!” I wanted to be part of CrossFit, but I was a little intimidated about whether I could complete the workout.
I still feel the “Wow” factor! But what changed from “I don’t think I can do this” to “Yes, I can do this” was Coach Kim and my workout buddies. It changed with my first class because Kim is the amazing person that she is and the perfect coach! She was patient, kind, encouraging and helped me believe I could complete the workout. Kim encouraged me to work at my own pace and let me know that it was ok to go at a slower pace or briefly stop if I needed to. In addition, during my first and successive workouts, my workout group was so very encouraging. It was the little things that Kim and my Crossfit group did, like grab a piece of equipment for me, show me where things were, explain (and remind me) unfamiliar terms like WOD and AMRAP. They cheered me on when I started and continue to cheer me on to this day.
There were many first achievements because I had never lifted weights. And, I found out that I love lifting weights! Jumping on a box was the most intimidating task I accomplished.
My current focus is meeting my goals to increase upper body strength, endurance and general health. In my dreams I see myself climbing the rope to the top and jumping on a tall box.
I don’t know that I have a favorite memory because all of my workouts are memorable and fun. In our class, we laugh alot, have fun, harass Kim, and encourage each other. All of this fun, while seriously working toward personal and group goals of being strong and healthy. With so many fitness choices in Tampa, it is rare to find a facility the places equal value on developing athletes as it does on creating relationships with their members. Crossfit Jaguar does both with finesse! I love my Crossfit Jaguar!