WOD: 3 rounds of:
0:00-2:00 400 m run then max double unders in remaining time
2:00-3:00 max DB Push Press 30-40/15-25
3:00-4:00 max Pull Ups
4:00-5:00 max DB Squat Cleans (FULL)
Rest 5 min between rounds
200 m run if not able to do in less than 2 min/ 500 m row
Double Under Attempts --> Singles/3 --> Tuck Jumps
Lighter weight in PP
Rogue bars (set up on the outsides of the rig) then ring rows
DB Power Cleans
Score reps for each round (3 scores)
Congratulations to all that finished the LBN Challenge!!! You are all winners :)
1st Place: Carol Ann J.
2nd Place: Michelle D.
3rd Place: Karra F.
Honorable Mention: Nghi L. and Lisa K.
Best Six-Packs: Brad C. and Ari S.
0:00-2:00 400 m run then max double unders in remaining time
2:00-3:00 max DB Push Press 30-40/15-25
3:00-4:00 max Pull Ups
4:00-5:00 max DB Squat Cleans (FULL)
Rest 5 min between rounds
200 m run if not able to do in less than 2 min/ 500 m row
Double Under Attempts --> Singles/3 --> Tuck Jumps
Lighter weight in PP
Rogue bars (set up on the outsides of the rig) then ring rows
DB Power Cleans
Score reps for each round (3 scores)
Congratulations to all that finished the LBN Challenge!!! You are all winners :)
1st Place: Carol Ann J.
2nd Place: Michelle D.
3rd Place: Karra F.
Honorable Mention: Nghi L. and Lisa K.
Best Six-Packs: Brad C. and Ari S.