Skill: Strict Press E2MOM for 8 min (4 sets) *5-7 min to warm up to starting set*
3 reps at 70-75% of 1rm (only increase weight between that range)
WOD: Mary: 20 min AMRAP
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pull-ups
HSPU- 1 Abmat → Off the box → Pike on the ground → DB Push Press
Pistols- With a plate under heel or with plate out front → To a box → 24 air squats (no bands for larger classes as this with take up too much space on the rig)
Pull ups- Rogue bars → ring rows
Score: Strict press weight and rounds and reps
3 reps at 70-75% of 1rm (only increase weight between that range)
WOD: Mary: 20 min AMRAP
5 Handstand Push-ups
10 Alternating Pistols
15 Pull-ups
HSPU- 1 Abmat → Off the box → Pike on the ground → DB Push Press
Pistols- With a plate under heel or with plate out front → To a box → 24 air squats (no bands for larger classes as this with take up too much space on the rig)
Pull ups- Rogue bars → ring rows
Score: Strict press weight and rounds and reps
Carlos... You have been with us since you were 15. Now you are leaving for the Navy. We have seen you grow from a kid to a man. You got faster. You got stronger. It was awesome to watch. Thank you for your service to this country. Good luck out there. WE WILL MISS YOU.