After a couple of classes at Jag, I knew I wanted to join. However, I was still apprehensive about my ability to perform the lifts and movements. The coaches were positive and motivating. Using modifications and hard work, I started to realize that I was in the right place. By the time my coupon expired, I was ready to join CrossFit Jaguar.
My first huge achievement was a kipping pull up without a band. I spent many hours with those bands. Stringing a few together came not long after. It was very gratifying. Walking on my hands and HSPUs are my newest goals. It has been a slow process, but I plan to keep plugging along.
I have been a member for more than four years. I have a hard time thinking of one Jag memory. I get as much satisfaction when another member accomplishes a movement or hits a lift they have been working on. PRs are great, but sharing experience is even better. It has been said many times that Jaguar is a community and more than a gym. That is a very true statement. I have made many memories with my Jag family, in and out of the gym.