Workout #21

Paula Jager
Wednesday, January 27, 2016 - 11:43
Strength/Skill: (10 minutes)

EMOM 10 minutes

Min 1: 4 weighted pistols L

Min 2: 4 weighted pistols R

WOD: (9 minutes)

AMRAP 9 minutes

5 Snatches 115/75

10 Deadlifts 115/75

15 Toes-to-bar

EXTRA CREDIT: Complete one Kelly Starrett mobility poster post-WOD


-Weight used for pistols

-WOD reps completed

Coach’s Notes:

-Focus on pistols is balance, not heavy weight. a KB, DB or plate should help those close to a pistol counterbalance. Try unassisted scales first (i.e boxes, holding the rig) before using bands

-Snatches and deadlifts should be at the same weight

-Toes-to-bar scales first to knees-to-elbows, the to v-ups, then to sit-ups

More pistols! Pew pew pew!
