10 single arm kb or db thrusters (5ea arm)(50/35)
1 legless rope climb *sub 10 ring rows
15 goblet lunge (alternate)(50/35)
9 burpees
9rds for time
October 1st, 2015, 9 injured, 9 killed.
On October 1st, 2015, the world was shocked by the news of another school shooting. 9 innocent people were murdered at Umpqua Community College outside Roseburg, OR. I was stunned since this happened in my old home town, which is a very small and quiet place. I started to read Facebook updates from my brother’s friends posting that their kids were there, but made it out safe.
Soon thereafter, the shock turned to horror, when I learned a friend of ours daughter was shot 5 times, once in each arm, once in each leg, and once in the head. Incredibly, Julie Woodworth survived the deadly attack. Though the news cameras, and the public’s attention has since left, Julie remains in the hospital. Her life, and that of her family has been forever changed.
I’ve put together this workout to honor Julie, and the other victims of this unnecessary tragedy. I hope everyone who completes it will take a moment, and be thankful that you woke up today, and have the ability to move on your own, no matter how fast, or slow. Remember those people have had that taken from them.
Thank you for taking the time to read about Julie’s story, and I invite everyone to visit her Facebook page for updates on her recovery. Julie has spent 2 months in the hospital, and had multiple surgeries. The medical costs are staggering. I have provided a link if you would like to make a small donation to her Gofundme page. You can also donate directly to me and I will make sure 100% goes to her fund.
https://www.facebook.com/JulieWoodworthUCCSurvivor/?fref=ts https://www.gofundme.com/pq5g36mg
10 single arm kb or db thrusters (5ea arm)(50/35)
1 legless rope climb *sub 10 ring rows
15 goblet lunge (alternate)(50/35)
9 burpees
9rds for time
October 1st, 2015, 9 injured, 9 killed.
On October 1st, 2015, the world was shocked by the news of another school shooting. 9 innocent people were murdered at Umpqua Community College outside Roseburg, OR. I was stunned since this happened in my old home town, which is a very small and quiet place. I started to read Facebook updates from my brother’s friends posting that their kids were there, but made it out safe.
Soon thereafter, the shock turned to horror, when I learned a friend of ours daughter was shot 5 times, once in each arm, once in each leg, and once in the head. Incredibly, Julie Woodworth survived the deadly attack. Though the news cameras, and the public’s attention has since left, Julie remains in the hospital. Her life, and that of her family has been forever changed.
I’ve put together this workout to honor Julie, and the other victims of this unnecessary tragedy. I hope everyone who completes it will take a moment, and be thankful that you woke up today, and have the ability to move on your own, no matter how fast, or slow. Remember those people have had that taken from them.
Thank you for taking the time to read about Julie’s story, and I invite everyone to visit her Facebook page for updates on her recovery. Julie has spent 2 months in the hospital, and had multiple surgeries. The medical costs are staggering. I have provided a link if you would like to make a small donation to her Gofundme page. You can also donate directly to me and I will make sure 100% goes to her fund.
https://www.facebook.com/JulieWoodworthUCCSurvivor/?fref=ts https://www.gofundme.com/pq5g36mg