Partner WOD
100 MedBall Ground to Over the Shoulder @ 35-50#/20-30# (black heavy balls for RX)
80 Back Extensions
60 Alternating Forward Lunges
40 Burpees
20 DB Push Press AHAP
3 Rounds for Time
35 min time cap
Can be broken up anyway
Score: time/time: unfinished reps if under time cap
Just another rousing day of fitness at CF Jag. . .
Welcome back Amy, you were missed!
Partner WOD
100 MedBall Ground to Over the Shoulder @ 35-50#/20-30# (black heavy balls for RX)
80 Back Extensions
60 Alternating Forward Lunges
40 Burpees
20 DB Push Press AHAP
3 Rounds for Time
35 min time cap
Can be broken up anyway
Score: time/time: unfinished reps if under time cap
Just another rousing day of fitness at CF Jag. . .
Welcome back Amy, you were missed!