“Cluster F*&k”

Paula Jager
Monday, August 3, 2015 - 12:47
A) Strength: Squat Clusters 3 x 4 – 7 reps* (read instructions and ask for clarification if any questions). 3 sets of 4-7 reps (weight must not be so heavy that you cannot get 4 or so light that you can get more than 7). It is a back squat

* If less than 3 months lifting experience continue with 3 x 5 adding 5+# per week or as able

B) Metcon:

5 Anyway OH 155#/105# (no racks)

7 c2b pull ups

9 toes to bar


Cap: 15 minutes

Score: highest cluster weight and time or rds + reps

Did you GET TANKED with Chris of Body Fat Testing? If not, catch up with him at bodyfattestswfl@gmail.com!
