“Over Under Split”

Paula Jager
Monday, August 3, 2015 - 12:12
A) Strength: Press [warm up sets: 5@60% of 3rm, 5@70%] then 2@80%, 1@85%, 3 x 3@90% This is NOT a 3rm attempt today. All sets are based off a recent/reliable 3RM

B) Metcon

100 double unders

8 power clean & split jerks 155#/110#*

12 pull ups

6 pc & split jerks

10 pull ups

4 pc & split jerks

8 pull ups

100 double unders

*alternate lead foot in split jerk every rep

For time

Cap: 12 minutes

RX+185#/135# and c2b pull ups

Score: time/reps