Skill: Take 15 minutes to find a Turkish Get Up 1 rep max
WOD: HSPU EMOM – increase one rep every minute until the last person is out (1, 2, 3, etc...) Everyone who can’t continue must do the equivalent of burpees until the last person finishes.
(Subs: ab mats, box, pike, strict press)
Extra credit finisher: 60 calories on the airdyne, rower or versa
Score: TGU 1RM, #of HSPU and e.c. time
WOD: HSPU EMOM – increase one rep every minute until the last person is out (1, 2, 3, etc...) Everyone who can’t continue must do the equivalent of burpees until the last person finishes.
(Subs: ab mats, box, pike, strict press)
Extra credit finisher: 60 calories on the airdyne, rower or versa
Score: TGU 1RM, #of HSPU and e.c. time