12 minute running clock
30 second pillar hold (elbows)
30 second rest
30 second superman hold
30 second rest
3 rounds
5 minute AMRAP
3 ground-to-overhead @155/115
5 front squats @155/115
7 burpees over the bar
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Score: skill rounds completed + rounds and reps
G2O+ front squat: adjust weight
Burpees: if athlete cannot clear barbell with a two-foot jump, may perform regular burpees
Pillar HOLD
Superman HOLD
Someone has seen the light -- NICE PULL!
12 minute running clock
30 second pillar hold (elbows)
30 second rest
30 second superman hold
30 second rest
3 rounds
5 minute AMRAP
3 ground-to-overhead @155/115
5 front squats @155/115
7 burpees over the bar
Rest 1 minute between rounds
Score: skill rounds completed + rounds and reps
G2O+ front squat: adjust weight
Burpees: if athlete cannot clear barbell with a two-foot jump, may perform regular burpees