3 Push Jerks @85%
*newbies stay light and focus on technique
100 mountain climbers (sprinter style)
50 russian twists 45/25
25 strict toes to bar (scale to knee raises)
Buy out: max plank hold (elbows)
5 minute time cap (not counting buy out)
Score: push jerk weight + WOD time + plank time
Pre wod mobility
And then stick it ladies. . .
. . . and gentlemen!
3 Push Jerks @85%
*newbies stay light and focus on technique
100 mountain climbers (sprinter style)
50 russian twists 45/25
25 strict toes to bar (scale to knee raises)
Buy out: max plank hold (elbows)
5 minute time cap (not counting buy out)
Score: push jerk weight + WOD time + plank time
Pre wod mobility
And then stick it ladies. . .
. . . and gentlemen!