A) Oly: Power Clean; 12min E2MOM; 2 @ 85-90% of 1rm. (does not have to be touch and go)
B) Metcon: 10min running clock: 15-12-9-6-3 Power cleans (135/95) / toes to bar, max reps shoulder to overhead in any remaining time.
Score: heaviest power clean, and total # of reps in metcon
B) Metcon: 10min running clock: 15-12-9-6-3 Power cleans (135/95) / toes to bar, max reps shoulder to overhead in any remaining time.
Score: heaviest power clean, and total # of reps in metcon
Interested in getting "Better Than Before" this year? It starts on your plate.
Check out our very own Paula Jager's latest blog: "What Are You Eating For?"