"Run Your Heart Out"

Paula Jager
Tuesday, December 30, 2014 - 15:00
Skill: 3-4x 200m sprints for leaderboard. If you are attempting for the leaderboard, have a coach time you.

Have partners go every other turn so you can time on another otherwise.

Rest 4-5 min btwn efforts


EMOM for 12 minutes perform: (4 total rounds)

Minute 1: 12 goblet squats with 70/53 lb KB

Minute 2: 15 T2B

Minute 3: 30 Double Unders/60 singles,

Post sprint times and # of minutes completed in EMOM

REMINDER: There is only ONE class on 1/1 New Year's Day @ 10 am! 

Rainy day WOD sub had people laid out! 5 x 30 seconds on the versa... Ooof.


