In teams of 3, one athlete working at a time (except for run – done together). Done in any order, but must complete one station before moving to next.
2000m Row-laids! I need Row-laids for this heartburn!
400m Kettlebelly -full-of-food run: 53/35 (each team has one KB – rotate carrying as they see fit)
100m Pumpkin Pie Prowler Pull
100 Box of Wine jumps 24/20
75 Medicine Butterball Slams 35/25
50 Ranch Dressing Dips
Finish with relay “Fill Up My Plate Push” – each athlete pushes plate (45/25) down and back, one at a time.
Post: Time and what your favorite T’giving dish was
2000m Row-laids! I need Row-laids for this heartburn!
400m Kettlebelly -full-of-food run: 53/35 (each team has one KB – rotate carrying as they see fit)
100m Pumpkin Pie Prowler Pull
100 Box of Wine jumps 24/20
75 Medicine Butterball Slams 35/25
50 Ranch Dressing Dips
Finish with relay “Fill Up My Plate Push” – each athlete pushes plate (45/25) down and back, one at a time.
Post: Time and what your favorite T’giving dish was