"Honorable Soldier"

Paula Jager
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 - 10:56
Skill: Strict Press: Beginning with 60% of 1rm, establish new 1rm

60% x 5

70% x 3

80% x 1

90% x 1

100% x 1

100%+ x 1


Triple three AMRAPS:

AMRAP 1 – three minutes

7 DL 265/185

7 push-ups

Two mins rest

AMRAP 2 – three minutes:

7 DL 225/155

7 push-ups

Two mins rest

AMRAP 3 – three minutes

7 DL 185/135

7 push-ups

Post press weight and rounds plus reps (COMPLETE rounds only count – reps do not add up to make complete round.)

 Thank you to all those who have served this great country.

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."

- John F. Kennedy
