"You don't know Nan!"

Paula Jager
Friday, November 7, 2014 - 12:00
Warm Up:  2x 1 min versa/ad/rower, 10 pass throughs, 10 good mornings (light bar), 10 squats; 2x 10 spiderman crawls 5 rev ball toss, 5 box jumps

Skill:  Deadlift or Sumo Deadlift
Warm up and build to 60-65% of your 2RM and. . .

2 Deadlifts E2MOM for 10 min
adding weight each set provided proper form/posture is intact

WOD:  Nancy

400m Run
15 Overhead Squat (95/65)

Post: Heaviest DL set and Nancy time

Good luck to Coach Melissa as she takes on the Powerlifting World Record in the 97# weight class at the Tony Conyers Extravaganza tomorrow!  Please come out and support her!


Glad to see the Versa Climbers' getting some use


Interesting observation:  youngest person in this class this morning was 32 years old.  The oldest was 1 month shy of 56.  And you think you're too "old" to CrossFit?  Think again, that's what keeps these folks looking so young. . .
