Warm up: 15 BURPEES for eeeeeverybody!!! 2 rds 5 push ups, 10 squats, 10 box jumps
Skill: Double Unders 15 min of skill work
People who have DU:
Max reps/unbroken or
Triple unders or. . .
Once clock is set E1:30MOM 20-30 DU
People who do not have DU:
Focus on wrists, shoulders and the jump
Single/Single/Double to start
3 minutes at each station for max reps/calories
1 min rest
- AHAP Farmers carry (down and back on turf = 1 rep)
1 min rest
1 min rest
-Med Ball Get Ups
1 min rest
Post: Total reps
Thanks to Todd from Gainsville for dropping in and wodding with us!
It's lonely at the top
Nat & Scott crushing the Masters Functional Fitness wods
Skill: Double Unders 15 min of skill work
People who have DU:
Max reps/unbroken or
Triple unders or. . .
Once clock is set E1:30MOM 20-30 DU
People who do not have DU:
Focus on wrists, shoulders and the jump
Single/Single/Double to start
3 minutes at each station for max reps/calories
1 min rest
- AHAP Farmers carry (down and back on turf = 1 rep)
1 min rest
1 min rest
-Med Ball Get Ups
1 min rest
Post: Total reps
Thanks to Todd from Gainsville for dropping in and wodding with us!